Knitting Errata
We do our very best to make our patterns error-free, but sometimes things slip through the cracks. Below is a list of CRUCCI patterns that have had updates. These are organised in numerical order by the pattern design.
24th July, 2023 (updated 10th Oct 2023 and 9th Feb 2024)
Second Patt 11th row should read:
K5,* (yfwd, sl 1, K1, psso, K4) 5 times, K34, rep from * once more, (yfwd, sl 1, K1, psso, K4) 5 times.
Larger blanket: Row 13 of the second pattern should read:
K3, *(K2tog, yfwd, K1, yfwd, sl 1, K1, psso, K1) 5 times, K34, repeat from * once more, (K2tog, yfwd, K1, yfwd, sl 1, K1, psso, K1) 5 times, K2.
Row 13 of the fifth blanket should read:
K35, *(K2tog, yfwd, K1, yfwd, sl 1, K1, psso, K1) 5 times, K34, repeat from * once more.
Smaller blanket: Row 13 of the second pattern should read:
K35, (K2tog, yfwd, K1, yfwd, sl 1, K1, psso, K1) 5 times, K34, (K2tog, yfwd, K1, yfwd, sl 1, K1, psso, K1) 5 times, K2.
Row 13 of the fifth pattern should read:
K3, (K2tog, yfwd, K1, yfwd, sl 1, K1, psso, K1) 5 times, K34, (K2tog, yfwd, K1, yfwd, sl 1, K1, psso, K1) 5 times, K34.
2221 Luxury Crepe 4ply Baby Set
12th December, 2024
Back - Beg Bib - The number of repeats are incorrect for the first two sizes, the pattern should read...
4th row - K5, purl to last 5 sts, K5. Dec (as before, inside 5 sts), in next (next-3rd-3rd-3rd) row, then in every foll alt (alt-4th-4th-4th) row 6 (7-0-1-1) time/s.
Same applies for the front of the romper.
2209 Men's Multi Stitch Sweater
8th March, 2024
Under Beg Rib Patt, after the instructions for the first 2 rows the next sentence should read:
Work a further 20 (22 – 22- 24 – 24) rows rib patt.
Note that the depth of the armholes should measure approx 24(25 – 26 – 27 – 28) cm
Under Shape Top, and before you start Beg Rib Patt, insert the following rows:
Work 2 rows stocking st, dec one st at each end of first row.
Next row – P2tog, purl to last 2 sts, P2tog.
Next row – knit.
Work 2 rows stocking st, dec one st at each end of first row… 57 (59 – 63 – 67 – 75) sts
2202 Child's Top Down Sweater
9th August, 2024
Most corrections only affect size 8.
Column one, half way down
This should be: Repeat rows 2 and 3 – (-, 1, 0, 0) more times. - 45 (51, 77, 67, 69)
Bottom of column 1
Should be: Size 8 – 11/22/49/22/11 – 115 sts
Column 2 after row 7
Size 8 should be – 19/30/57/30/19 – 155 sts
After joining in the round, after Round 1 and Round 2
Should be: Repeat round 1 and 2… 7 (6, 7, 5, 6) more times
Column 3 after round 6
Size 8 should be: – 52/87/52/87 – 278 sts
3rd May, 2022
There are a number of errors in this pattern, corrections are in bold below.
21st row - Patt 40 (43-50-54-58), P2, (T4L, P8, T4R) 3 (4-4-4-4) times, P5 (3-7-5-5), (K1 ,P1, K2) 1 (0-0-1-1) time/s, P4 (0-0-2-9).
23rd row - Patt 40 (43-50-54-58), P3, (T4L, P6, T4R, P2) 3 (4-4-4-4) times, P4 (0-6-4-4), (K1, P1, K2) 1 (0-0-1-1) time/s, P4 (2-0-2-9).
25th row - Patt 40 (43-50-54-58), P4, (T4L, P4, T4R, P4) 3 (4-4-4-4) times, (P3, K1, P1, K2) 1 (0-0-1-1) time/s, P4 (1-5-2-9).
27th row - Patt 40 (43-50-54-58), P5, (T4L, P2, T4R, P6) 3 (4-4-4-4) times, (P2, K1, P1, K2) 1 (0-0-1-1) time/s, P4 (0-4-2-9).
29th row - Patt 40 (43-50-54-58), P6, (T4L, T4R, P8) 3 (3-4-4-4) times, (T4L, T4R) 0 (1-0-0-0) time/s. P1, K1, P1, K2) 1 (0-0-1-1) time/s, P4 (7-3-2-9).
11th May, 2021
There are four errors in this pattern, corrections are in bold below.
5th row - (P3, K2) 0 (1-0-1-0) time/s, (P4, K2, P2, K2) 0 (0-1-1-2) time/s, * P6, C12B, P6, K2, P2, K2, P4, K2, P2, K2, rep from * to last 24 (29-34-39-44) sts, P6, C12B, P6, (K2, P2, K2, P4) 0 (0-1-1-2) time/s, (K2,P3) 0 (1-0-1-0) time/s.
10th row - (K3, P2) 0 (1-0-1-0) time/s, * K4, P2, K2, P2, rep from * to last 4 (9-4-9-4) sts, K4, (P2, K3) 0 (1-0-1-0) time/s.
11th row - (P3, K2) 0 (1-0-1-0) time/s, (P4, K2, P2, K2) 2 (2-3-3-4) times, P4, (C3L, P1) twice (P1, C3R) twice, (P4, K2, P2, K2) twice, P4, (C3L, P1) twice, (P1, C3R) twice, (P4, K2, P2, K2) 2 (2-3-3-4) times, P4, (K2, P3) 0 (1-0-1-0) time/s.
2032 Textured Sweater
The sleeve length should be 48cm for all sizes.
Sleeves section: sleeves should start with C1 not M.
2029 Baby to Child Jacket
18th June, 2021
There is an omission from the pattern.
Right Front, after 8th row it should say ‘Rep 7th and 8th rows once’.
2026 Oversized Striped Sweater
25th June, 2024
In the instructions for the Back, after ** the next paragraph should read:
Using M only for rem, cont in stocking st until work measures 20 (21-22-23) cm from coloured threads, ending with a purl row.
2014 Longline Sweater with Cowl
5th December, 2023
The start of the Front instructions should read "Work as for Back" (not "work as for front").
30th October, 2020
In the Left Front section where it says "Beg Second Patt" - in 2nd row there is an extra K3 at the end that should not be there.
It should read: 2nd row - K3, P3, * K1, P1, K1, P5, rep from * to last 6 sts, K1, P1, K1, P3.
12th April, 2024
Quantity required for size 10 should be 8 balls of main colour with 1 ball of contrast.
14th August, 2020
On the Front, Remove the paragraph that says '24th Row (WS) - K48 etc. through to 'incl from Graph'. Replace it with 'Work rows 24 to 54 incl from Graph, working purl fabric and stocking st sections as indicated by size being worked and taking care to change colours on WS of work.'
On the Back, Remove whole paragraph and replace with 'Work as for Front to ** 24th row (WS) - P1C3, K48 (52-58-62) C1. 25th row - P47 (51-57-61) C1, ybk, K2C3. 26th row - P3C3, K45 (49- 55-59) C1, yft, K1C2. Keeping patt correct as placed in last 26 rows (noting that patt is reversed on Back), work rows 27 to
54 incl from Graph.'
The graph on page 3 was incorrect for the original printed pattern. This will be updated for patterns printed from now on,and those PDF versions purchased after 30th July. This is the correct graph (click here to download graph, 1.6MB).
10th June, 2020 (updated 2nd October, 2023)
Row 17 cable pattern for Size 2 & 4 only shows 34 stitches for the cable pattern which is actually 48 stitches. It should read: P2, K8, P2, K2, P2 (C3R, P2, C3L) twice P2, K2, P2, K8, P2.
Row 17 for sizes 6, 8 and 10 ONLY should read:
Cast on 3 sts, K(69-74-79), P2, K8, P2, K2, P2, (C3R, P2, C3L) twice, P2, K2, P2, K8, P2, knit to end … (183-193-203) sts.
*There is a P2 missing after the first K8 in the Row 17 instructions.
1706 Pattern Book
29th January, 2024
Page 23:
Shape Armhole: Knit should be purl.
"Keeping stripe patt correct, cast off 3 (3-4-4-5) sts, purl to end..."
Shape Neck: Purl should be a knit.
"Cast off 4 (4-4-5-5) sts, knit to end..."
1471 / 1775 Slouchy Shawl
5th November, 2020
There is an error in the measurements given in column two of the instructions for the back where it says: "Cont in st st until piece measures 46 (46-48-51-51-53) cm from second marker..."
This should read: "Cont in st st until piece measures 67 (67-71-75-75-79) cm from second marker..."
So the centre back should consist of one section measuring 67 (67-71-75-75-79) cm, one section measuring 46 (46-48-51-51-53) cm, and another section measuring 67 (67-71-75-75-79) cm.
1422 Crew or V Cardigan
Vee Cardigan – the final instructions for the Back should read:
Complete to correspond with Crew Cardigan from *** but cast off remaining stitches instead of leaving on a stitch holder.
1412 Baby Sweater & Beanie
There is an error in the instructions given for the SWEATER - BACK cable panel, the centre twists are written the wrong way around in the 11th row.
Row 11 should read:
K8 (12-14-16), P2, C6F, K3, P2, T4B, P4, T4F, T4B, P4, T4F, P2, C6F, K3, P2, K8 (12-14-16)
1414 His & Hers Sweaters
There is an error in the instructions given for the FRONT. Under SHAPE RAGLAN ARMHOLES it should read:
Word as for Back to ***
[Note: you should have 59 (69-81-89-99-111) sts]
Using MC for rem, work 4 (4-6-4-6-6) rows stocking st, dec one st at each end of next row and following 1 (1-2-1-2-2) alt rows...55 (65-75-85-93-105) sts.
1405 His & Hers Aran Sweaters
13th April 2023
On the BACK, instruction on P 2
SHAPE RAGLAN ARMHOLES - Keeping patt correct, cast off 2 sts at beg of next 2 rows ... 123 (135-147-155-167-175) sts.
3rd row - K2, sl 1, K1, psso, patt to last 4 sts, K2tog, K2.
4th row - P3, patt to last 3 sts, P3. *** Rep 3rd and 4th rows until 57 (71-85-95-109-119) sts rem, ending with a dec row.
Next row (WS) - P2, P2tog tbl, patt to last 4 sts, P2tog, P2.
(currently says purl to last 4 sts)
1401 Ladies Sweater
19th September, 2023
Row 23 should read:
K6, (yfwd, K2tog, K5) 7 (8-8-9-9-10) times, yfwd, K2tog, K3
16th June, 2020
23rd row - K10, P3, C5B, P3, K10
25th row - As 49th row
27th row - As 51st row
29th row - As 53rd row
31st row - As 55th row
33rd row - As 57th row
35th row - K5, P3, K3, P1, [K1, P1] 4
12th March, 2024
7th Row under Sleeves, should say:
Inc one st (as before)...
(not Dec one st)